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This week's session isn't a class on managing time or money. There are plenty of resources that are better qualified to give you advice on how to be smarter with both. It is, however, a class on helping us build a solid foundation and perspective on where it all comes from so that we can manage life better as a couple and avoid the problems and challenges that poor management lead to.


When it comes to knowing something, we tend to display one of three attitudes - we know it, we don't know it or we don't want to know it. It's the same with doing something - we either will, won't or don't want to do it.

Ignorance may be bliss but once you know what to do and don't do it, then it's no longer ignorance, it's neglect and that is what typically gets us into trouble. God's great love for us is what we see in scripture when we read about the sacrifice His Son made to provide a bridge between us and God. There is one particular verse that takes this further when it says "you do not belong to yourself, for God bought you with a high price." (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).

God wants us to know what He did for us to make it possible to be reconciled back to Him AND He wants to do something about it. The way we do something about it is to first realize where we stand in our relationship with Him. If we choose to acknowledge Him and follow what the scriptures teach then we accept that He has paid a high price for us and our response is a life of love and obedience to Him. 

When you love someone, obedience isn't an issue - you willingly do what you can to please the other person. I'm sure if you think back in your relationship with your spouse you will recall many times when you've gone out of your way to please them. Just go back to when you were dating - everything was special and you probably did more for each other then you might remember. That said, like submission, we've taken the word obedience and turned it into something sour. Obedience is a powerful and loving act. It is represented in how we spend our time, how we use the gifts and talents we've been given and how we spend our money and share our goods.

The scriptures we've selected for this session are hand-picked to help us pause and reset our views on being better stewards with the resources we have. 1 Timothy 6:6 is a familiar principle - true godliness with contentment is itself great wealth. God isn't against people having good things in this life and enjoying success, which is defined differently for everyone - He's the author of it all. His concern is how we prioritize what we have.


While some people have more than others in this world, materially and financially, that isn't the issue. I know people that have much and that have little and I've seen both be bad stewards with what they have. Some are selfish with their time, some neglect each other and don't like to share, some hoard what they can. 

Understanding first that God bought you with a high price helps you gain perspective. Then you learn that He is your provider and then you see that attitude play out in your marriage. You gain an appreciation for managing your time better with each other, you are a better parent, worker and person by applying the talents God has given you and you use the things that are of value to share and enrich the lives of others.

Use this week as an opportunity to get more practical and pragmatic about your relationship and how you manage or how you'll plan to manage it once you are married.



Scriptures to read this week

Ephesians 5:15-20    James 1:5 and 1:17   1 Corinthians 4:7    1 Timothy 6:6-10    Matthew 6:24

Please read the scriptures above this week. We recommend that you try and read through them a few times over the next few days. Take notes and make the effort to consider how they are speaking directly into your life.

The PDF link to the right will allow you to download the 1 page session questionnaire. You can either complete the questions using a PDF reader such as Adobe Acrobat or Preview on your Mac - or you can print it.

Time, Talent & Treasure



This week we want you to work on a project together that will help you focus on changing and improving how you manage time in your manage, how you use your talents and gifts and how you invest your resources better.


  • A small box - a shoebox is perfect or any box that size that you have

  • Index cards - 3x5 cards will do and we suggest you cut them in half

  • Something to write with


The idea is for each of you to discuss specific things you want to do that will help you with your time, talent and treasure. 

Write one thing on one card (1/2 the card if you cut them) and then place them in the box.

Ideas for each might include:

  • TIME - more date nights, plan time away, more time talking

  • TALENT - get invovled to serve others, pick up one chore for your spouse

  • TREASURE - help one family, give to a charity, eat out less

Each month pick one card and work on that one for the next 30 days. In one year you will have worked through 12 things that will have had a positive impact in your marriage and likely benefited those around you as well.

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