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“He who prays without fervency does not pray at all.” 

 - Charles Spurgeon

Sometimes a quote says it all. In this case, Francis of Assisi said it well - "Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible."

Let me ask you a question. Do you and your spouse or fiance pray together daily? Eight out of ten couples I ask answer NO. Of all the things that are a paradox in life, this one seems to take the cake. The bible is filled with hundreds of referenes referring to communication with God - praying, calling out and crying out. In the New Testament we see Jesus praying often and teaching us how to pray (Luke 11:1).

Ironically, we seem to have no problem praying on our own but when it comes to being deliberate about praying with our spouse, it is something we don't prioritize. I've heard couples say that they feel awkward praying out loud or others say they don't pray together because one of them never prays. I think we've missed the point altogether. Praying together isn't an activity - it's a necessary part of a life devoted to God. It doesn't matter who prays or how long you pray. What matters is that you do it, willingly and wholeheartedly.

The secret to a successful marriage begins with praying together daily. As we discussed in Food & Fruit - it's about forming good habits that will transform our lives. There is a story worth reading in one of our recent blog posts - Spiritual Warfare in Marriage - it explains the power of prayer in a way that we often miss; awareness of the world we don't see. 

As a couple, your are strategically positioned to bring the power of God into your marriage and your home so that you can experience a life filled with greater love than you might be experiencing now. But it goes further than praying together in the way we might think. Much of what we see in scripture on the topic of prayer is more like calling or crying out to God - in other words, there is an underlying sense of urgency that comes off the pages when you read some of the ways that people in scripture prayed. David is one of the best examples on this - "In the day of trouble I will call upon You, for You will answer me" Psalm 86:7 or later in Psalms when a man named Heman said "O LORD, I cry out to you. I will keep on pleading day by day." Psalm 88:13

My wife and I prayed together each morning over the phone when we were dating and then engaged. When we got married we started our day with prayer, sometimes with me being in another country and timezone because of work. We then ended each day by praying together before bed. Yes, I realize that this makes it sound like we're so spiritual but I can assure you, we learned to do this because we wanted to make sure that we stayed focused on the things that mattered most simply because it's in our nature to get easily distracted.

When troubles arrived, like they always do, we discovered that coming together to cry out wasn't something we had to think about. The habit was formed and we knew what to do. We have watched marriages become transformed in a matter of weeks just by getting couples to pray together daily. 

I firmly believe and am convinced beyond words that we complicate God's word and instruction. We nit-pick it to death and read everything we can into it rather than accepting it at face value. While I don't subscribe to formulas, I do believe that there are certain things that we can do and from them, expect to see great results.

Praying together is one of those things. Praying may not always immediately change our circumstances but it will always change us.


Scriptures to read this week

 Psalm 22:4-5    Psalm 102:1-2    Psalm 116:1    Isaiah 40:9    Jeremiah 33:3  Matthew 14:30-31 and 18:19-20  

Please read the scriptures above this week. We recommend that you try and read through them a few times over the next few days. Take notes and make the effort to consider how they are speaking directly into your life.

The PDF link to the right will allow you to download the 1 page session questionnaire. You can either complete the questions using a PDF reader such as Adobe Acrobat or Preview on your Mac - or you can print it.

Pray Together



"Then call on me when you are in trouble, and I will rescue you, and you will give me glory."

(Psalm 50:15)

This week is about starting a new habit with the knowledge that it will change your marriage for the better. Forever.


You can start at anytime - morning, noon or night - but the point is to start praying together this week. I realize that this might be a new experience for some and even uncomfortable for others, so let's first look at a passage that will help provide guidance on getting started.

In Matthew 6:5-13, Jesus explained what praying looks like. He wanted to get across that prayer which flows from a heart that wants a relationship with God is much more powerful and effective than prayer that is done to impress others.

The Lord's Prayer, as we have come to know it (vs 9-13), gives us a model to follow; beginning with an acknowledgment that we are talking to God and leading to a dialogue regarding our physical and spiritual needs.

If you don't know what to pray then praying this prayer in Matthew 6 is a great start until you both find yourselves talking more freely when you pray.

Finally, here are some important principles to keep in mind.

  • Start by praying together once each day

    • Choose a time where you can both take a few minutes to get alone. Remember, this can be in person, on a video call or over the phone. 

  • It's okay if only one of you pray

    • If one of you is not comfortable praying out loud then tell your spouse what you want them to pray for in addition to what they have in mind and then simply agree with them as they pray.

  • It doesn't need to be eloquent or long

    • Be yourself, be authentic. This is about both of you being real before the God who made you and knows everything about you. A few moments of crying out genuinely to the Lord will yield much more than just praying to get it over with.

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