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Welcome to session 2 – hopefully last week’s session was a good start for both of you!


You’ll notice there is a document for each of you to download below. This week and next week each of you will have your own set of questions to answer and then compare.


There is no other passage in scripture as well-known as Ephesians 5:22-33 when it comes to marriage. Well, 1 Corinthians 13 is often read at weddings so maybe that one is slightly more popular. Even people largely unfamiliar with the bible have heard of the passage in Ephesians. Understanding this passage correctly as it relates to marriage will be the game-changer for both of you. There is so much in this passage that it is enough on its own to cover this session.


That said, it is also a controversial passage for many because it is often misunderstood, taken out of context and used by couples to justify their views instead of using it to heal their marriage. The marriage model that God has given us is designed to give us two things. First, it gives us an understanding that God likes things to be in a certain order because He knows that order is good for us. Second, this passage gives us a deeper understanding of the sacrifice Jesus made so that we could enter into the relationship with God that we are privileged to have.


In fact, while this passage in Ephesians explains the order and behavior of the marriage relationship He desires for us, it also serves as an illustration of marriage to help us understand the work done by His Son. As you read the scriptures for this week pay particular attention to 1 Peter 2:18-20 because it explains how Jesus behaved under duress and wrong doing. He is our role model and His ways were all centered on serving others and not Himself. If we only got that one right, we would be transformed.


Men want to be respected and women want to be loved. We spend a lifetime trying to figure out how to do this but here in Ephesians 5 we are giving the secret – model our marriage after Christ. It’s so simple that it is the hardest thing to do because it requires us to let go of our so-called rights and views.


That brings us to one other topic we need to discuss as you prepare to get into this week’s session. It’s the topic of submission. There’s nothing like a misunderstood principle to completely ruin your day. As I noted above, God has an order for marriage. The order He has designed for us is for our protection and care and ultimately to be fulfilled in this life not frustrated. The original word from which we get the English word for submission comes from a military term that had the idea of falling into the proper order. Think of it as the response to a roll call when everyone lines up. It’s not about importance, it’s about knowing what our roles are in the relationship. Next week we’ll see how God views the husband and wife as “equal partners” in the relationship. He never intended for one to dominate the other. In fact, notice verse 21 – we are to submit to one another in love – it’s not a one way street.


Let us also notice that this passage explains how Christ’s work was sacrificial in nature. He gave Himself for us and this phrase has the idea of continuously giving up ourselves. Couples who desire to honor God rarely struggle with this idea of submission because they know whom they serve – by serving Him they serve one another therefore the focus is not on the individual’s selfish needs.


There is one very important question you need to be asking yourself often; whose reputation do I care more about, mine or God’s? This is important because it will help keep you in check when things look like they are going in the wrong direction. It is a question that gets us to pause and reflect so that we can take an honest assessment of our motives. That’s something we need often especially when our spouse is getting on our nerves or we’re edgy over a set of circumstances that we might not see eye to eye on.


The last thing to say here is learn how to slow down to go faster. We often want to rush change but God isn’t in a rush. Try and really think through these passages and how they apply to you personally and to your marriage. Draw out something specific you can work on.


Scriptures to read this week

Ephesians 5:21-33   Mark 10:42-45   2 Timothy 3:16-17   1 Corinthians 11:1-3  1 Peter 2:18-20

Please read the scriptures above this week. We recommend that you try and read through them a few times over the next few days. Take notes and make the effort to consider how they are speaking directly into your life.

The PDF link to the right will allow you to download the 1 page session questionnaire. You can either complete the questions using a PDF reader such as Adobe Acrobat or Preview on your Mac - or you can print it.

Marriage Model
For the Husbands
Marriage Model
For the Wives




The idea of writing a love letter to each other can be intimidating. Even the best of marriages are prone to go with the flow of marriage over time and not do something as radical as write a love letter to their spouse. It seems like the sort of thing you do when you’re dating. There are, of course, the romantics who might do this on more than one occasion.


I want to encourage you to make this letter brief. The intent of this activity is to reflect on what you’ve learned in the last two weeks and consider how you might express your love to your spouse in a letter.


It is an opportunity to remind them why you got married, what you love most about them and what desires you might have for the two of you. This will become something you will both look at in the future and see how your thoughts and words of expression will have changed.


We know this is hard for some couples but give it a try. You’re doing this course because if you have nothing else, you had enough faith and hope to do it so don’t stop now.


When you’re both done, read each other’s letters and let the blessings flow.

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